Sunday, December 26, 2004

Vanda Miss Joaquim

Vanda Miss Joaquim was chosen to be the National Flower of Singapore in 1981. It is an exquisite orchid created by Miss Agnes Joaquim in her garden in 1893.  Posted by Hello

Glamour shot Posted by Hello


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I came across your blog recently and wish to point out an inaccuracy. The Vanda Miss Joaquim was not "discovered" by Agnes Joaquim. She succeeded in crossing the Vanda Hookeriana and Vanda Teres to create the Vanda Miss Joaquim. DNA research has now proved the male was Vanda Hookeriana. In 1893 it was presented to and recorded by H.N. Ridley, Director of the Singapore Botanical Gardens in April 1893 and samples and records are available in the Singapore Botanical Garden Herbarium and the critical plant journal of the time the "Gardener's Chronicle", June 24th 1893

  3. Thank you for the corrections.
