Walking in a maze with glowing mysterious-looking lights, I could not help but awe at how Architects of Air conceptualised and constructed Amozozo.
Amozozo was a temporary installation at the National Museum of Singapore held in conjuction with the museum's Opening Festival.
I took the following photo of the site where Amozozo stood at the grounds of the museum at about 1.30 p.m. on 10 Dec 2006. The structure would only resume its original intended form in the evening, so at 1.30 p.m., all I could see of it was plain plastic materials lying on the ground.

According to this website: http://www.architects-of-air.com/, Amozozo is a luminaria sculpture "made up of over 60 triangular domes which create a wandering path similar to the experience of the bazaar. Where the paths meet, there is mosque-like dome".
Please pardon me of my ignorance, that was probably the first time that I have encountered a work by the Architects of Air. I have not seen any kind of installation like Amozozo before, so out of curiosity, I joined the long queue outside the structure of Amozozo. At about 6 p.m. the structure had already rose to its original intended form.

In the foreground is the installation Seeds by Han Sai Por.

It took me at least half-an-hour of waiting before I could enter Amozozo, but it was worthwhile. Although the experience wasn't the most perfect because I didn't enjoy being in an enclosed place with children who make loud sounds, it was still quite impressive to wonder at how the entire structure was conceptualised and realised. My feelings told me that it must have required of the artist a considerable amount of engineering knowledge in order to realise the concepts behind this structure.
I felt as if I was walking in a winding maze, with beautiful luminous lights. Occasionally, I would see people sitting themselves down at some corners of the structure, enjoying the tactile sensation of leaning against the air-filled structure. I tried to do so myself, but I found myself being quite cautious about not leaning too heavily against it, lest I might poke a hole in it unintentionally.

After I exited from the structure, I took a look at the Amozozo from the outside. Against the backdrop of the evening skies, the structure seemed to be radiating light.
A thought also came to my mind that the National Museum of Singapore may be trying to position itself as an interactive museum where history and the present interact seamlessly with one another. Afterall, it isn't wrong to reason that we are who we are today because of our past. Perhaps my recent experience with Amozozo may have an effect on my experiences and perspective in the future?

After taking a last look at the external structure of Amozozo from a distance, I bid farewell to the museum for the evening.
There will be more events coming up at the National Museum of Singapore this December. Please check out http://www.nationalmuseum.sg/openingfestival for more details.
Also see:
National Museum of Singapore Opening Festival
Architects of Air
I like the pictures that you have taken, your camera is good . I'm gonna check it out. I need a better camera.
Thanks for your compliments. If you like food, maybe you may like to reconsider other cameras? I don;'t seem to be able to get enticing-looking photos of food using this camera. However, taking photo of landscapes seem to work with this camera that I am using.
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